1) Create the base by securing gas pipe flange to center of 2x12“, attaching gas pipe to flange, and slipping PVC over pipe (I recommend drilling this and securing the PVC to the gas pipe for good measure)
2) Create the skeletal structure in PVC to support the next step (Extended arm, head, etc)
3) Form a chicken wire cage around the PVC, attach it to the base, and the PVC where ever possible. For the arms, roll the chicken wire into a tube, and then attach the ends to the main structure.
4) Drape the frame with black burlap, fray as appropriate at ends of arms and on hood, be creative.
5) Mix Drywall Compound with latex paint to make “Monster Mud”... and apply liberally onto burlap... Let harden,
6) Optional: If planned to be left outside, consider spraying with a clear coat to seal.
7) Optional: Wire up a lantern to the extended arm, and wire to a flickering circuit. - I use a single clear red C7 Christmas light bulb (they’re usually available in stores just before Halloween). You can get chandelier and lamp parts at Home Depot to wire this up. - I wire up the blinking circuit in a 1 gang electrical box, so you can plug any low wattage light fixture into it. - See favorite links for details on the lighting circuit.